I have been away for a few weeks, now that I am back I wanted to tell you about some new open calls and art blogs for 2009. I don't want to write much text, but I do want to remind everyone that now more than ever small business needs your support. Think local, think positive.......keep making art.
best wishes-Kerri
PS- Blankspace is opening again after our post Holdiayland hibernation. Join us January 10th 6-9pm for the opening of Lena Reynosos' solo show Forty Four Presidents. Click HERE for more info. Come check out our newly painted gallery front.
Bancroft Sculpture Exhibit
Entries Due: Post marked by February 14, 2009
Exhibition Dates: June 19 - July 19, 2009
Opening Reception: June 19th 5-8pm
Entry Fee: None
Awards:1st Place $1000, 2nd Place $500, 3rd place $250
Jurors: Carrie Lederer and Ann Weber
Here is a link to a PDF with all of the info and entry form: Click Here
Pro Arts Gallery
Juried Annual 2009
Deadline: January 23, 2009
Exhibition: February 17- March 22
Selections by Ali Subotnik, Curator, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA; digital submissions only.
click here for more info and the link for online entry

Pro Arts is also doing the call for Open Studios
For more information, go to
There is a great new blog in town called Artopic started by Steven Barich. But don't take my word for it check it out for yourself.
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