It has been a while, but boy do I have some great new Indie Biz news to tell!
First, Lena Reynoso (of The Compound Gallery fame) created an idea for an indie biz shopping alternative to the post Thanksgiving "Black Friday", November 27th. We are calling it PLAID FRIDAY.
In the past 6 weeks we have been able to mobilize over 50 local businesses and online shops to become part of the day. We were also able to get some amazing support from The EastBay Express, Yelp, OakBook, and Oakland Grown..they have all given us ad space and have been sending out eblasts and announcements for us. To top it off, we had an amazing web designer, Nicole Neditch of Objet d'art donate her services to come up with the awesomely cute website plaidfriday.com.
Go to the website to check out all of the great deals everyone is offering for the day. There is even an afterparty being hosted with drink specials for those wearing Plaid!!
I am so excited about all of the community organizational support and hope that you will help make this a successful campaign by supporting all of the local businesses, on November 27th and throughout the holidays!! Remember, Wear Plaid on November 27th While you shop.
Here is a link to some great press:
The Daily Californian :: Local Shops Hope 'Plaid Friday' Will Boost Sales
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featuring local artists, designers and crafts people
November 27 - December 20, 2009
Opening Reception:
* Plaid Friday, November 27th 6-9pm
First Friday Reception:
Friday, December 4th, 6-10pm
additional holiday cheer events Dec 13th and 20th 4-8pm
This is our 4th annual Holiday sale featuring over 100 local artists, designers and crafts people.
This gift sale has become a Blankspace tradition and for the second year we will be joining forces with The Compound Gallery located next door to create a holiday Extravaganza!
Both galleries will be themed with rustic Paul Bunyan decor and will feature small works of art, ceramics, accessories, paper goods, household goods, gifts for kiddies, jewelry and many more affordable indie gifts.
Many fun activities through out the sale including-
Getting your holiday photo taken in our themed photo booth (proceeds go to Art in Oakland Schools) and spin the Wheel o' bounty for prizes.
Galleries are open extended hours during the sale:
Sponsored by: Yelp and the EastBay Express
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